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Interspirituality and Contemplative Path Bibliography

Click on the picture of each book for more information and reviews.

On Longing for Divine Presence

Abraham Joshua Heschel, God in Search of Man

Excerpt from William WordsworthĂ­s poem, "Tintern Abbey"

The Call to Contemplative Living

Rabbi David Cooper, God is a Verb

Rabbi David Cooper, Silence, Simplicity and Solitude: A Complete Guide to Spiritual Retreat

Sufi Poets Hafiz and Rumi

Rabbi Aryeh Hirschfield's rendition of Psalm Psalm 42 (As the Deer Years)
can be ordered here.

Longing Despite Being Parched
Mother Theresa, Come be My Light

Stillness and Sacred Sound
Mary Oliver, Why I Wake Early

Margaret Hasse, "Being Still" in Sisters of the Earth

Wendel Berry, "The Peace of Wild Things", in Collected Poems

Deliberateness and Liberation
Thich Naht Hanh, Present Moment, Wonderful Moment

Joan Chiittister, Illuminated Life

Rabbi Marcia Prager, The Path of Blessing

Listening and Holy Speaking
The short film "Noise" can be found here:
