Or Tzafon Retreat Community
"Or Tzafon" means "northern light" and "hidden light".
Or Tzafon is now the home for Rabbi Chava's classes and retreats. She offers adult education programs, tutoring and special events.In May, 2000, Or Tzafon was established with this powerful mission:
Our mission is to create a welcoming Jewish retreat center, in a quiet, natural setting, where we celebrate and create contemporary Jewish practice through shared learning. Our programs emphasize spiritual practice grounded in Kabbalah, tikkun olam (repair of the world) and creative self-expression by engaging Jewish tradition with today's finest rabbis, artists and leaders. We are committed to a path of joyous learning and inclusive open-heartedness for all persons.
Along with Rabbi Chava, Dr. Avram Davis, Rí Jack Gabriel, Rí Tirzah Firestone, Rí Elliot Ginsburg, Rí Rami Shapiro, Rí Shefa Gold, Reb Yitzhak Buxbaum, Rí David Zaslow, Hazzan Robert Esformes and Rí David Cooper are among the stellar leaders who have brought to us deep teaching, wisdom and an expanding vision of Jewish spiritual practice. We have been blessed to enjoy locations that celebrate the inspiring setting of northern Michigan as well.
Now, Or Tzafon enters its tenth year of operation. In our tradition, the number seven is a symbol of perfection and completion, of readiness to begin anew -- just as we complete each Sabbath and look ahead to a new week filled with hope. As Or Tzafon enters its seventh year, we are ready to begin a new cycle of programs and purpose.
We are ready to broaden our vision and programming to better meet your needs and interests, and to offer our wonderful programs to an even wider audience.
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